How I spun: My 40 year old handmade drop spindle “Pet”. Made by a rug weaver and woodworker in New Bedford, PA. Bought at a Spinner’s Festival in Mercer PA.
Where I spun: In the barn, for my horse, Cash. For my co-workers. In the barn, for the new barn kitten, Chloe. For my cat, Kira. At the therapist’s, while my mom did PT. At Spinners Guild, in the Three Sheep Gallery. After my brother’s 60th birthday dinner. During the Presidential Debate on TV. I did my most productive spinning while watching my DVR. (Poldark!) I did most of my plying while watching Saturday Night Live.
How I Did: 1580 yards, spun and plied between October 3rd and October 9th. (FYI—1740 yards is a mile of yarn.)The last two spindles I filled Sunday evening—I spun until 11:45—yielded 167 yards of singles, The rest of my yardage was triple-ply, six skeins of it.